Dr. Michael Ingle, DPT
Hi, I’m Dr Mike!
I’ve been a registered physical therapist, (or physiotherapist as we are known in Australia!) for 15 years.
I’ve spent my career working in hospitals, with sporting teams, and private clinics. In that time I’ve had the pleasure to help thousands of people with recovery from pain and injury.
However, it wasn’t until later in my career that I realised the SHOCKING lack of scientific evidence behind many of the invasive surgical procedures that patients were having. Not only were many of them lacking supportive evidence, some surgical procedures were actually later found harmful, due to a lack of appropriate scientific study prior to being rolled out to the population. Nowhere was this more obvious than in the area of anterior cruciate ligament and meniscal tears, an area I have gone on to specialise in.
After founding the world’s largest Facebook community for knee injuries, people kept telling me they were not getting a detailed discussion about treatment options, and being told surgery was the ONLY way they could recover.
Having a knowledgeable, independent and trustworthy guide at a vulnerable time is critical. Someone who could clearly explain when surgery would be truly needed, and when a nonsurgical recovery was possible.
I am proud to offer this service to people around the globe, via the convenience of video link consultation.
There are so many advantages to nonsurgical recovery. I can’t wait to meet you and be part of your recovery journey!
2010 Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy)(Curtin University)
2017 Master of Clinical Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (Curtin University)
2018 Membership - Australian College of Physiotherapists
2020 Appointed lead physiotherapist - Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
2025 Founded non-surgical.rehab